The discovery of Vitest and Vite.

The discovery of Vitest and Vite.

(Game changer to my code refactoring)

As a developer, I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline my workflow and make my code more efficient. Recently, I stumbled upon Vite.js, pretty cool!

What is Vite.js?

Vite.js is a build tool that focuses on speed and a seamless developer experience. Created by Evan You, the mastermind behind Vue.js, it has quickly become a popular tool in the JavaScript community.

I first learned about Vite from a YouTube video by Fireship who was Talking about various ways to create-react-app without create-react-app. Since trying it out, I can officially say I have been hooked ever since.

Another discovery...

As I continued to work with Vite and refactor some of my code with it, I also discovered Vitest, a testing library that's specifically designed for use with Vite. Vitest provides an intuitive way to write tests for your Vite applications, so you can ensure that your code is functioning as expected.

With Vitest, I was able to test my code changes easily and quickly identify and fix any issues that arose. It was a total game-changer for my workflow.

All in all, discovering Vite and Vitest has completely transformed the way I approach web development. Vite has made my development process faster and more efficient, while Vitest has made testing a breeze.


If you're looking for a way to speed up your development process and take your workflow to the next level, I highly recommend giving Vite a try. With its lightning-fast HMR and optimized builds, it's sure to become an indispensable tool in your toolkit. And don't forget to check out Vitest for an easy and intuitive way to test your Vite applications!